Thursday, 15 September 2011

2011 Mystery & Suspense Reading Challenge

As I was researching an author the other day, I came across another great 2011 Reading Challenge. It is called the Mystery & Suspense Challenge and is hosted by the ladies at Book Chick City. Since this genre is pretty much all I read these days, I figure I may as well jump on board with this one.

The rules are straightforward enough;

• Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011

• Rules: To read TWELVE (12) mystery & suspense novels in 2011 (12 is the minimum but you can read more if you wish!)

• You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.

My Mystery and Suspense Challenge list and review links as follows:

 1.  How The Dead See by David Owen - My Review
 2.  The Night Ferry by Michael Robotham - My Review
 3.  The Dragon Man by Garry Disher - My Review
 4.  The Night Has A Thousand Eyes by Mandy Sayer - My Review
 5.  Torn Apart by Peter Corris - My Review
 6.  The Diggers Rest Hotel by Geoffrey McGeachin - My Review
 7.  The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler - My Review
 8.  Frantic by Katherine Howell - My Review
 9.  The 5th Horseman by James Patterson - My Review
10. Death At The Spring Plant Sale by Ann Ripley - My Review
11. Death Mask by Kathryn Fox - My Review
12. Gunshot Road by Adrian Hyland - My Review

UPDATE: Challenge Completed 14th September, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen. I really enjoyed Gunshot Road by Adrian Hyland. I am not sure it would have the same appeal to international readers as it has a distinctive Australian indigenous flavour, but it was a really enjoyable read. Diggers Rest Hotel by Geoffrey McGeachin won the Australian Ned Kelly Award for best crime fiction novel (2011) and it was also very good. Michael Robotham always provides a polished and classy read and David Owen books are set here in Tasmania where I live. They are probably my favourite from that list. Have you read any Australian crime fiction books? Who are your favourite authors?
