Thursday, 17 April 2014

My Review: Thin Blood By Vicki Tyley

Thin Blood is a thoroughly captivating contemporary whodunnit-styled thriller set in Melbourne, Victoria, and is the debut novel by Australian author Vicki Tyley.
And what a debut it is - I was hooked after the Prologue and couldn't put the book down until the thrilling and unforseen climax.
Very well written with red herrings and suspects galore and a meddling heroine in Jacinta that made me want to scream, "leave these people alone".
Convinced I had the murderer pegged a few chapters from the end, but alas I was just another sucker, and the climactic twist threw me for a loop.

I do not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone who likes contemporary crime thrillers. I am always excited by new quality Australian crime fiction that I haven't encountered before. Thank you to my Goodreads friend Brenda for pointing me in the right direction on this one. I have already sourced Vicki Tyley's other titles and I look forward to reading them with relish.

5/5 Stars

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