'When beautiful young women kiss you on the cheek you know you're over the hill, but I didn't really feel like that. As Wesley said, I still had the moves.'
Cliff Hardy may still have the moves but he's in trouble. The economy's tanking and he's been conned by an unscrupulous financial advisor and lost everything he's got. Cliff only knows one way, and that's forward, so he's following the money trail. It's a twisted road that leads him down deep into Sydney's underbelly, into the territory of big money, bent deals, big yachts and bad people. Cliff's in greater danger than ever before, but he's as tenacious as a dog with a bone.
My Review
The Cliff Hardy novels were aptly described to me yesterday as tight and lean (Thanks Laura). They are not pretentious and there is no padding. They are stripped-down, gritty and entertaining crime fiction that can be consumed in a sitting or two - and this latest Cliff Hardy mystery is no exception.
Cliff as usual manages to get his nose in where it's not wanted and attract the ire of the good guys and the bad guys alike. Cardiac issues and the loss of his PI license are but minor inconveniences to a serial rule-breaker and incredibly fast-healer like Cliff. The Global Financial Crisis has hit hard and Cliff is low on cash after being embezzled out of his inheritence by an unscrupulous financial advisor. Wrapped around the well-conceived plot, Cliff must navigate the usual mix of alcohol-fuelled clandestine meetings, low-life characters and beautiful women in order to Follow The Money.
Peter Corris keeps evolving and adapting to the times with each new Cliff Hardy novel. Cliff has matured and developed throughout the series. He is getting older and more cautious. He catches buses where possible to avoid the stress of the chaotic Sydney traffic. When Cliff does take the car, he wonders if he might be over the limit after 2 light beers in an hour. Cliff now eats at Italian restaurants and frequents cafes more than pubs these days. And in keeping with the contemporary Sydney setting, the cast of characters in this latest offering now has a distinctive multicultural flavour with Asian, Middle Eastern, Italian and even Nordic influences.
If you have read Peter Corris before, you know exactly what you are getting into. The Godfather of Australian Crime keeps producing high quality, slick and enjoyable Australian crime fiction, as he has done now for over 30 years. This is number 36 in the series, and I hope there are many more to come. If you haven't met Cliff Hardy before - get on board!
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